Prolyfyck Women: Portraits of Running and Resilience

In February 2022, I had my first solo show at Studio IX as a part of their Prolyfyck Exhibition Series, which was a year-long program to support local artists who are a part of the Prolyfyck Run Creww. Each artist had a month-long show, and a proceed of all sales went to their nonprofit of choice. I was honored to be the February artist and support City of Promise with my work. Having not shown my work publicly since college, I was fairly nervous to share a personal story and how it inspired my portraits of ten amazing women in Prolyfyck. But just like getting up before the sun to run with friends in the Creww, we are pushed to do hard things and rise to the occasion.

Artist Statement

In the summer of 2019, I mistakenly walked into the Westhaven Recreation Center, looking for the health office around the corner. I was warmly greeted by a woman leading a Bible study group. She said to me, “Sweetheart, you must’ve walked in here for some reason. Is there anything you want us to pray on for you?” Without hesitation, I said yes. While I don’t practice religion myself, she had caught me in a particularly vulnerable moment. I had found out I was pregnant with my daughter the night before, and after experiencing a pregnancy loss earlier in the year, I wanted her prayers more than ever. We hugged, and sadly, I never saw her again.

My first run with Prolyfyck Run Creww was in January 2021. It was 27°, and I was dipping my toes back into running after two babies. My body was tired and ready to stop. Then, right before the final hill, I saw that little brick building in Westhaven and was reminded that I can and have done hard things throughout my life. Joining Prolyfyck and seeing this building during each run has challenged me to accept this truth for myself. Life, just like a run, is filled with moments of struggle, hope, pain, and healing. Whether we’re running with the group or living our lives, Prolyfyck Run Creww inspires us to keep going.

I have always been interested in people’s emotional connection to specific places — curious about how that connection brings us peace or stirs up feelings of nostalgia. Motivates and pushes us. Dares us to stretch and grow. This photo series highlights this connection for 10 Prolyfyck women, celebrating how they have been challenged and changed, both physically and emotionally, since joining the Creww. Each was asked to identify a spot along the route that means something to them, along with a part of their body they feel a newfound connection to since becoming a part of Prolyfyck.

Organization of choice:

City of Promise works to improve the educational outcomes and quality of life for families in the 10th and Page, Westhaven, and Starr Hill neighborhoods in Charlottesville,

Jill C. Meriwether

Charlottesville, VA-based family and wedding photographer

Byron & Quera, Bahamian Wedding


Spring 2022 Short Sessions in Keswick, VA