Tips for Planning a Proposal

Ah planning a proposal, such an exciting time in life! If you are feeling the pressure or aren’t sure where to begin, here’s a laid-back guide to help you plan a proposal that you both will love.

Step 1: What does your partner like?

As you begin the planning process, it’s important to think about what your partner likes. Is it their dream to have a Jumbotron moment or would they rather have a special moment with nobody else around? Perhaps it’a a blend of both, a proposal with just the two of you followed by a surprise party with loved ones. If you aren’t sure, it might be a good idea to bring their mom, sister, or best friend into the planning process.

Step 2: Choose the Perfect Location

The setting is a huge part of planning a proposal. Do you have a special date spot or vacation spot? Sentimental locations can be so meaningful and bring you back to where your romance began. You can also choose a beautiful location and make a new memory there with your proposal! If you want your engagement photographed- don’t forget to think through where the photographer can hide at whatever location you choose.

Step 3: Timing is Everything

Life can feel crazy sometimes and picking the perfect time can be overwhelming. My advice is to try and avoid proposing around any stressful events like work deadlines or prior commitments. You want to be able to soak in the moment!

Step 4: The Ring

“Let me see the ring” is a sentence your fiancé will be hearing many times after the engagement. Knowing what your partner wants is so important in finding the perfect ring. Make ring shopping a fun date night activity! That way they can try things and give you an idea on what they want. You could also look through their Pinterest boards (make sure it’s updated not the board they created in high school).

Step 5: Plan the Speech

You’re down on one knee, now what do you say?? Your words don’t have to be perfect, as long as they are coming from the heart. You can reflect on the journey or tell the story of the moment you knew that they were the one. Just don’t forget to pop the question at the end!

Step 6: Capture the Moment

Having photos of the moment they said yes are so fun to look back on! It can be such an emotion filled moment that goes by so quickly, having a photographer will ensure that it is captured. Try to plan a couple of months in advance if you are planning a Saturday proposal in the summer or fall, as schedules can fill up quickly in the midst of wedding season. Ready to book? Inquire here

Step 7: Add Personal Touches

It’s all in the details! Do you have a special song, or photos that you could display? You could have their favorite flowers or rose petals scattered. It doesn’t have to be extravagant, just a special touch to show how much you love and know them!

Step 8: Have a Backup Plan

We are crossing our fingers that all goes well, but sometimes it’s nice to have a Plan B just in case! If you were planning for an outdoor proposal, you might want to have an indoor location on standby in case of weather. Whatever happens, you can make the most of it! At the end of the day all that you really need is the two of you (& a ring preferably!)

Step 9: Celebrate!

Once they’ve said yes (of course they will!), it can be fun to have something fun planned to celebrate! This could look like a party with close friends and family or perhaps a candlelit dinner for the two of you to soak in the moment.

Step 10: Relax and Enjoy

Lastly, breathe. Take it in! You have found the one that you want to spend the rest of your life with and that should be enjoyed. Wedding planning can wait, telling everyone can too. This moment is for you and the one you love most.

Whether you are looking for a photographer for a proposal, engagement, or your wedding day, I would love to help!

Jill C. Meriwether

Charlottesville, VA-based family and wedding photographer

Branding Shoot with Anne White


Byron & Quera, Bahamian Wedding